We all know the issue, we bought a case the size of a house and now have to populate it with hardware, fans, and cooling. Whatever you’ve got, the 9000D likely has the room to fit it.
So what can you actually fit into the 9000D in terms of fans and radiators? Let´s have a look.
120mm fans are the size that the 9000D and its predecessor the 1000D are largely optimized for, with both front and top mounts fitting two rows of these side by side exactly.
If you decide to go with 120mm fans, the only limitation you will run into is the side fan mount above the motherboard. While this supports 3 fans, you will have to sacrifice the inner most row of fans in the top, as there is not enough clearance even for 15mm slim fans.
Do not fret though – you are still left with a positively capacious 18 fan slots!
In the front, you will be able to mount 8 fans in total, in two rows of four. If you are doing custom cooling, you could even go as far as using 16 fans in a push-pull configuration with a 60mm thick radiator like we have in the above picture.
Maximum combined radiator + fans thickness of the front: 120mm (this will have the fans sit right up against the HDD cage, so fewer fans are advised)
In the top you can likewise fit 8 x 120mm fans in the rails as standard. You are also able to fit dual 480mm radiators, but they will have to be a maximum of 30mm thickness, as you will otherwise not clear the front radiators. If you mount the front radiators with the ports facing down, you will gain an few extra millimetres and can potentially mount up to a 45mm radiator depending on the size of the front radiators, but we have not tested this. Do note that you will also not be able to have push/pull on the top radiator in the last fan slot as shown by the picture above.
In the side there is a cutout that will enable you to mount 3 120mm fans, but if you have the top fan slots populated with two rows of 120mm fans, you will not be able to utilize this. Only if you use a single row of 140mm, or 180/200mm fans in the top will you be able to use the side fan mounts.
In the above pictures (use the slider to see with, and without the case) you can see the maximum thickness your radiator / fan combo can be. It is also possible to mount a 120mm or a 140mm radiator in the rear, but that is not shown here. A 240mm is not possible due to the top radiators, so most users will likely just mount two fans in this location.
With the infinirail system, it is incredibly easy to rearrange what type of fans you would want to add into the case. On the previous 1000D you would have to buy separate mounts if you wanted to change out the top from 140mm to 120mm, but with the infiniails, you can just simply move the rails into their desired position.
Both in the front and top, you will be able to rearrange the infinirails so you can fit either 3 x 140mm fans, or 2 x 200mm fans. You will also be able to fit a 420mm radiator in the same push/pull configuration as the 120mm variants.
In the rear you are limited to a single 140mm fan, so here it would be better to mount dual 120mm fans instead.
This depends on what you are building with. If you are planning to use an AIO, such as our iCUE LINK Titan 360 RX or the LINK H170i (420mm) coolers we would suggest using the top or side mounts, potentially even getting extra fans so you can run your AIO in a push/pull configuration. The front could be populated with either 140mm fans if you plan on using only 3, or a full stack of 8 x 120mm fans. With a top mounted 140mm radiator, you will also have plenty of space to populate the 3 x 120mm fan slots in the side of the case. Rear fans can be either 120mm or 140mm depending on your preference.
But let us be real, if you are drooling over the 9000D, and reading this article you are likely considering custom cooling. The most radiators and fans you would be able to fit would then look like this:
2 x 60mm thick 480mm radiators
16 x 120mm fans (25mm is recommended, but if you want to go crazy then 30mm fans will JUST barely fit)
2 x 45mm thick 480mm radiators (We unfortunately do not have 30mm or 45mm thick 480mm radiators in our Hydro X Series lineup, but these are easy enough to find from other brands). Alternatively, you can use a slim or thick 360mm radiator as shown in the picture above.
14 x 120mm fans. Thickness depends on what size radiator you end up using, but 25mm fans will always fit, and if you use a 40mm or slimmer 480mm radiator, you will even have room for 30mm fans.
2 x 120mm fans in either 25mm or 30mm thickness. You can go crazy and cram a last 120mm radiator in here in the back, but with the massive amount of overkill you have already built it will make little difference.
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