The answer is no. Just because they look the same at a glance, do not be tempted to try.
Connectors on the component side are standardised and therefore all have the same wiring on each PIN. On the power supply side, however, each manufacturer is free to choose how this is applied. So never try to use one brand's cables with another brand's PSU. Doing that could be dangerous to you and your components.
However, there is the exception of the power cable that connects the wall socket to your power supply. These comply with industry standards such as the very common IEC C13 or IEC C19. You're unlikely to see the latter though, as it's only used on super high capacity stuff.
This cable can therefore be reused from one unit to another as long as it meets the standard of the new power supply.
These cables have different amperages/capacities, 10A being the most common for PCs, so make sure you at least match the one for your power supply.
Modular cables, however, are specific to your power supply. If you buy a brand X power supply, you cannot use cables from a brand Y or Z power supply. We said it at the outset of this page, but it bears repeating: Don't even try.
If you buy a power supply from the same brand as the power supply you want to replace, you'll need to check that the cables are compatible between the power supplies. Depending on the range and/or age, the cabling may have changed and may no longer be backwards compatible.
In the case of CORSAIR power supplies, there are different types of cable, called Type 3, Type 4 or Type 5.
If you change your power supply, you must have the same type of cable between the old and new power supplies, otherwise you'll have to replace the cables.
The same applies if you want to buy extra cables or premium cable kits.