Intel released its 14th Gen Core desktop processor on October 17th, 2023. This modest Raptor Lake refresh doesn't make any big changes to the CPU’s architecture but does present slightly higher clock speeds and a new core configuration to one the Core i7. So, with minimal changes to the CPU’s architecture and supporting the same 600 and 700-series chipset as its predecessor, what does this mean for the memory subsystem?
Before we go into details, it's worth highlighting that CORSAIR has built a PC parts configurator that helps you pick out compatible components for your build. The great thing is, that it's not just for CORSAIR compatible parts but for everything you will need in your PC build, including motherboards, graphic cards, and CPUs.
Okay, so now that you know about CORSAIR PC Builder, lets get to it.
Whether you're a professional seeking seamless multi-tasking or a gaming enthusiast craving a truly immersive experience, Intel’s 14th gen Core processors feature memory architecture that not only supports higher capacity but also provide significant performance improvements.
The newly updated Raptor Lake processors still support DDR4 up to 3,200MHz but with the introduction of DDR5 memory technology, users can enjoy faster data transfer rates and increased memory bandwidth. This translates into snappier system responsiveness, reduced latency, and improved multi-tasking capabilities.
Let’s answer a few RAM questions that you may have.
The Intel Raptor Lake Refresh officially supports up to DDR5-5600. You can run it with much faster memory though.
Memory capacity support stays the same as 13th Gen, with up to 128GB of DDR4 DRAM and up to 192GB of DDR5 DRAM supported after a BIOS upgrade.
Now that we know of a few changes taking place with Intel new CPU refresh, we can count on DDR5 being the best solution paired with your Raptor Lake Refresh processor. A 32GB (2x 16GB) DDR5 kit can work as a good minimum, but you may want to bump that up, especially if you’re gaming and/or managing heavy content.
DDR5 speeds range from 4,800MT/s to 8,000MT/s and we have concluded that it’s best to run DDR5 at speeds between 6,400MT/s and 7,200MT/s to handle the most memory-intensive tasks. If you're a content creator working with large multimedia files or a gamer exploring vast virtual worlds, this frequency range is ideal and will provide substantial increased performance.
Lets look at a few options to choose from.
A top choice alongside Intel 14th Gen Core processors is CORSAIR DOMINATOR TITANIUM. These premium DDR5 memory kits combine clean, refined styling with superior forged aluminum construction and 11 vibrant RGB LEDs per module. They also feature the CORSAIR patented Dual-path Heat eXchange (DHX) technology, a thermal management solution used to improve the cooling and heat dissipation of DOMINATOR memory modules.
However, the coolest feature of all is a customizable modular top bar that's removable. That's right, each DOMINATOR TITANIUM memory module comes with a removable and replaceable top bar that you can either DIY or purchase different kits from CORSAIR. You can read more about DOMINATOR TITANIUM here on CORSAIR Explorer.
A great choice for memory that won't break the bank is CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB. It has an elegant aesthetics while delivering outstanding performance optimized for Intel systems. With Intel XMP 3.0, you will be able to customize and save your own profile via iCUE software to tailor performance by app or task for greater efficiency. A custom PCB provides the highest signal quality for the greatest level of performance and stability and each module uses only tightly screened memory chips for extended overclocking potential. When it comes to RGB lighting, each memory module is equipped with ten individually addressable, ultra-bright RGB LEDs, encased in a panoramic light bar for vivid RGB lighting from any viewing angle.
Now, for those who prefer to have no lighting in their build or require low profile DRAM because you have a massive air cooler but you want to keep the high-performance aspect of your memory, CORSAIR offers VENGEANCE DDR5 for Intel. Each module is equipped with a low-profile solid aluminum heatspreader to keep your memory cool while ensuring broad compatibility with a massive range of motherboards and CPU coolers, thanks to its compact form factor. It also supports CORSAIR iCUE which offers memory onboard voltage regulation control, XMP profile customization, and access to real time frequency readings.
Consider RAM frequency accordingly, depending mostly on what you are doing with your PC. If you’re looking for increased performance in productivity, gaming, and content creation, then a dual-channel memory kit that is optimized for Intel systems of 6,400MT/s or higher and at least 32GB or 64GB in dual DIMM kit.