Hardware vs Software: What’s the difference?

Hardware vs software. To hardened, life-long tech heads like us, the difference is obvious, but to normal people who go outside and interact with the real world, it might not be. Given that both terms are a bit enigmatic when you think about it, we thought we’d clear it up once and for all.

Hardware vs Software: The quick answer

Hardware refers to the physical parts that are inside a computer. This includes the graphics card, processor, motherboard, memory, and much more. Software refers to the programs and operating system that you use your computer to access. Examples of software are your internet browser, games, Microsoft Word, and yes, the Windows operating system you’re probably using right now.

What is hardware?

Any physical component that you can touch is hardware. So, every physical thing that makes up a computer counts as hardware. Even the things you might not think about at first such as fans, CPU coolers, and the cables connecting it all together. It all counts here.

examples of hardware

Everything in this image counts as hardware.

What is software?

This refers to the operating system, programs, applications, games, etc. Anything you install from the internet or off a disc or USB drive is software. It’s sort of a catch-all term that describes the intangible digital computer stuff.


Does a mouse and keyboard count as hardware?

Confusingly, while these are definitely physical things you can touch, these don't really count as 'Hardware.' Things like headsets, keyboards, mice, and monitors are more accurately described as peripherals. Basically, if it’s something that allow you to use the computer, it can be described as a peripheral.

What is firmware?

Firmware is a type of software that you as the user don’t interact with. It doesn’t have a user interface like software. It’s pre-installed on things like mice, keyboards, printers, Thunderbolt docks, and more to help that specific device function correctly.

Depending on the device in question, the firmware might be provided periodic updates. These updates are often delivered via software. CORSAIR’s iCUE software for example, will occasionally notify our users to install firmware updates for their products to improve performance, reliability, or even new features.

Basically, the firmware allows the device to communicate with the computer. Without it, the computer won’t know what’s plugged in or how to understand the data being sent.

The difference between hardware and software: TLDR

Hardware refers to the physical pieces that make up a PC, software refers to the intangible programs and apps that you use on the PC. Class dismissed.