What is polling rate? Does it affect gaming?

When browsing for a new gaming mouse, you’ll usually find something called “Polling Rate” in the specs section. It’s sometimes called Report Rate as well, but regardless of what it’s called, it’s an important number to make note of. So, let’s take a closer look and find out why.

What is polling rate?

The polling rate is the frequency at which data from the mouse is sent to the device it’s connected to. In other words, how often it updates its position to the computer.

This is typically expressed in Hz, with the average gaming mouse reporting data at 1,000Hz, which means 1,000 times every second. Some gaming mice, like the M65 RGB ULTRA as an example, can have polling rates as high as 8,000Hz. However, for a more widely applicable number, we'll go with 2,000Hz.

So, following our example, both the physical position of the mouse, and the inputs (buttons pressed) are reported 2,000 times every second. However, this is not to say that every detail of the mouse is sent to the computer this often. Think of it more like the computer checking if anything has changed 2,000 times a second.


Does polling rate affect gaming?

All CORSAIR gaming mice have a minimum of 1,000Hz with some of them, like the M65 RGB ULTRA capable of 8,000Hz. Essentially, the higher the polling rate, the lower the chance of missing an input. The same goes for keyboard polling rates, however, it’s generally less vital for keyboards than it is for gaming mice.

Games that require a quick reflexes and high precision, like Counter Strike 2, Apex Legends, or Valorant benefit from a high polling the most, as accurate mouse tracking is paramount to recording a split second shot or dodge.

What’s the best polling rate for gaming?

As mentioned earlier, the higher, the better. Though eventually there will come a point where the law of diminishing returns rears its ugly head. As a general rule, if it’s at least 1,000Hz, you should be fine.


Can you change the polling rate of gaming mice?

Yes. You can adjust the polling rate for many gaming mice. Either via software, or occasionally a physical button on the underside. You can change the polling rate for CORSAIR mice via the iCUE software. The lowest you can go is 125Hz, with the highest usually being 2,000Hz, with some allowing for way more. It will vary on the mouse, however, as not all gaming mice can be adjusted so extensively, with wired mice usually allowing for the higher polling rates

It's worth noting that lowering the polling rate will increase the battery life of wireless mice, although pushing it all the way down to 125Hz probably isn't worth it, with the gameplay experience noticeably worsened.