How to troubleshoot iCUE and how you can help us improve the program

Because the PC world is so extensive and diverse, it is always a challenge for us to make iCUE ready for all eventualities, and even though our team goes through an extensive regression testing with each new release, sometimes some bugs still make it to the release version. We understand that it can be frustrating if for example your brand-new DOMINATOR TITANIUM memory does not show up in iCUE and we want to help solve this as fast as possible.


Should you discover a problem with the software, we encourage you to submit a ticket to our support team. Given the vast amount of different PC and software configurations, the information you provide, can be incredibly helpful in narrowing down the issue. The more information we get, the quicker we can deploy a fix. Providing as much information from the start will enable us to also evaluate if multiple different users have similarities such as CPU’s, operating systems, or chipsets.

Send iCUE logs to us - step by step guide

For example, it may happen that your All In One Cooler is not configurable or that you cannot set the DPI of your Wireless Mouse or you have iCUE bugs like:

  • red flashing light
  • iCUE install stucks at 33%
  • iCUE "CrashDataUploader" window

It is important to create a support ticket and attach the iCUE-Logs and possibly the System-Logs to it.

If this is the case, We'd ask that you to open a support ticket via "" (click on "Warranty Exchange" for a product warranty case, or on Troubleshooting for a specific iCUE issue) to reach our support team.

Collect and create the iCUE Logs:

  1. click on the iCUE gear icon (iCUE settings).
  2. in the "General" tab, click on the "Export" button under "Export System Info and Logs" to create a *.zip file.
  3. save the *.zip file on the desktop and name it "'s date" - Example: iCUE.10.April.2024
  4. then attach this *.zip file to your ticket and send the ticket to us.

Note: The log files of iCUE software are primarily used for support and troubleshooting purposes. The iCUE logs do not contain any personal information! However, we don't specify or disclose the exact data contained within these log files. They capture various technical details that assist our support team in diagnosing and resolving issues. Any data collected is handled in compliance with our privacy policy.

iCUE Logs 1

Extensive data analysis - Optional

With CORSAIR Windows Reporter Utility Tool you can also send additional optional data as:


  • Settings, log files and crash dumps (optional) of all Elgato Windows software
  • %appdata%\Elgato (all files and sub-folders)


  • Specific OBS Studio settings and log files
  • %appdata%\obs-studio (files)
  • %appdata%\obs-studio\logs
  • %appdata%\obs-studio\crashes


  • Specific Streamlabs OBS settings and log files %appdata%\slobs-client (files)
  • %appdata%\slobs-client\logs
  • %appdata%\slobs-client\SceneConfigs
  • %appdata%\slobs-client\SceneCollections


  • XSplit log files
  • C:\ProgramData\SplitMediaLabs\XSplit\logs

System info

  • SystemInfo.nfo - Windows system info to check for system components
  • SpeedTest.log - Upload speed measurement to check for speed limitations when streaming
  • InstalledSystemUpdates.csv - Installed Windows updates to check PC is up-to-date
  • EventLog.evtx - Application events of the last 7 days to detect application crashes
  • Processes.log - Currently running applications to detect applications that might affect overall system performance
  • Applications.log / Applications64bit.log - Installed applications to detect applications that are known to cause interferences with our apps
  • SystemInfo.log - same system info as in our log files to check for system components
  • DXDiagInfo.txt - DirectX related system info - dxdiag
  • Performance.xml - WinSAT data to detect performance limitations
  • Devices.log - Installed devices to detect driver problems
  • Minidump.dmp (optional) - Latest crash dump from C:\Windows\Minidump
  • USBtree.txt - Connected USB devices to detect problems related to USB controllers

You can find the guide here:

How can you help us to improve iCUE?

As a user, you also have the opportunity to help us with further development and error analysis.

Both during the installation of iCUE, and later you can opt in to send usage data to our software team. This will help us gather error reports, and general data such as hardware configurations to better understand how we can improve the program in the future. This step is of course entirely optional, but will not impact your performance in any way, and we do not collect any personal data.

If you want to do this later, you can do so as follows:

  1. click on the gear icon in icue (iCUE Settings)
  2. then select the "Privacy" menu item
  3. activate "Use Data to Improve iCUE" there

Of course, you can also read through the "Policy" | "Terms of Use" and "EULA" there.

iCUE install share infos
iCUE share infos
iCUE install share infos iCUE share infos

We'd like to thank you as a community for helping us to make iCUE better. Thank you for your support!