FRAME 4000D Motherboard Size Compatibility

In case you were wondering whether your current motherboard or motherboard of choice will fit in our FRAME 4000 Series cases, then you've come to the right place. Simply put, these cases will fit any mainstream motherboard form factor you throw at it.


The FRAME 4000D with the MSI MEG Z890 GODLIKE, an E-ATX form factor motherboard.

Supported Motherboard Form Factors

Our FRAME 4000 Series Cases will fit the following motherboard form factors:

  • E-ATX/Extended ATX (305 × 330 mm)
  • ATX (305 x 244 mm)
  • M-ATX/Micro-ATX (244 × 244 mm)
  • ITX/Mini-ITX (170 mm x 170 mm)

Knowing that the FRAME 4000 Series cases can fit an E-ATX form factor motherboard will quell most concerns, as E-ATX is the largest form factor amongst mainstream motherboards.

With an E-ATX motherboard installed, it is worth noting that the cable shroud to the right of the motherboard may or may not need to be removed for installation. This will vary by model, but for our fitment test we used the MSI MEG Z890 GODLIKE, which is able to work with the cable shroud.


Reverse Connector Motherboard Compatibility

Our FRAME 4000 Series cases are also fully compatible with reverse connector motherboards such as ASUS BTF/ADVANCED BTF, MSI PROJECT ZERO, and GIGABYTE PROJECT STEALTH.


FRAME 4000D with the MSI Z790 PROJECT ZERO.

In case you are also wondering about GPU compatibility in our FRAME 4000 Series cases, check out CORSAIR FRAME 4000D 50 Series GPU Compatibility.